The latest version of the junk and its dinghy (which shares the junk's hull shape) sans ropes, but ropes will appear soon, thanks to Chris Bartlett's Rope macros and "after-sales support".
Benjamin Roux has also volunteered to help with the project.
Code To understand and participate in the coding side of this blog, a passing acquaintance with HTML and Javascript is sufficient. A deeper knowledge of Java will be necessary.
Graphics I have used POVray for the scenery. It's a bit mathematical rather than wysiwyg, but it works for me.
Story Some experience of adventure games like Myst would be an asset.
Copyright and Cost
As far as possible, I have used development products that are free. Not all of these are copyright-free.
All my code is copyright to Amazon Systems, but if you keep my copyright statements in the code, you may use it freely to produce your own products.
One or two sections of code are copyrighted to 3rd parties, but, again, if you keep their copyright statements in the code, you may use it freely to produce your own products.