Friday, 7 September 2012

Jade Sound

I have now implemented a JadeSound class that seems to be working very well. There WAS a hitch in the use of MediaPlayer. I kind of assumed that when you called MediaPlayer.release(), the instance of Media Player would be set to null. Not so. Although a failed create set mp to null, if I reset and released the mp, and then didn't create a new one, the next time I entered the method, mp would still have the value of the released mp and a new reset() caused a fault.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import android.content.Context;

public class JadeSound 
 // This class handles all sounds. There are two sound sources. Use soundpool for short
 // transient sounds. A single soundpool does all the sounds.
 // For background music and ambient sound, Use MediaPlayer. Each sound is a new mediaplayer.
 // Only one sound can be running at a time. All such sounds are looped.
 public static final int OK_SOUND = 0;
 public static final int BAD_SOUND = 1;
 public static final int NOSUCH_SOUND = 2;
 public static final int BAD_PLAY = 3;
 private SoundPool soundpool = null;
 private static int CHANNS = 4;  // Sound Channels
 private String soundName; // current ambient sound name
 private int [] SFX = new int[CHANNS];  // Stream IDs
 private int priority = 1;
 private int soundid[];  // Sound IDs
 private Context thiscontext;
 private MediaPlayer mp;
 private ArrayList  soundfiles;
 private int buggins;
 private boolean soundstate = true;
 // Initialise
 public JadeSound(Context JadeContext, ArrayList  SFXFiles)
  thiscontext = JadeContext;
  soundfiles = SFXFiles;
  if (soundpool != null) soundpool.release();
  soundpool = new SoundPool(4, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 0);
  int temp = soundfiles.size();
  soundid = new int [temp]; 
  for (int ii = 0; ii < temp; ii++)
   int resid = getRaw(thiscontext, soundfiles.get(ii)); 
   if (resid == 0) 
    soundid[ii] = 0;
    soundid[ii] = soundpool.load(thiscontext, resid, priority);
  for (int ii = 0; ii < CHANNS; ii++)
   SFX[ii] = -1;
  buggins = 0;
 public int playSFX(String name)
  return playSFX(name, 0);
 public int playSFX(String name, int Loop)
  int index = soundfiles.indexOf(name);
  if (index == -1)
   return NOSUCH_SOUND;
   if (soundid[index] != 0)
    int reply =[index], 1, 1, priority, Loop, 1);
    if (reply == 0) return BAD_PLAY;
    SFX[buggins] = reply; 
    if (buggins >= CHANNS)
     buggins = 0;
   else return BAD_SOUND;
  return OK_SOUND;
 public int playAmbient(String name)
  // if the same sound name, just exit immediately
  // we use the same mp we used last time, and keep playing the same song
  if (soundName != null)
   if (soundName.equals(name))
    return OK_SOUND;
  // if the media player still in use, reset it, release it and null it
        if (mp != null) 
            mp = null;
        // remember the new sound name for next call
        soundName = name;
        // find the sound file in raw
        int resid = getRaw(thiscontext, name);
        // if it's not there, return
        if (resid == 0) 
         return BAD_SOUND;
        // Finally, create a media player
        mp = MediaPlayer.create(thiscontext, resid);
        // if it doesn't work, return
        if (mp == null) return BAD_SOUND;
        // Ambient always loops
        // start the playback
        // if the song flag is false, pause it
        // we may have to start it later
        if (!getSoundState())
        return OK_SOUND;
 public void pauseAmbient()
  if (mp != null)
 public void resumeAmbient()
  if (getSoundState())
   if (mp != null)
 public void pauseAll()
  if (soundpool != null) soundpool.autoPause();
 public void resumeAll()
  if (soundpool != null) soundpool.autoResume();
 public void closeSound()
  if (soundpool != null)
   soundpool = null;
        if (mp != null) 
            mp = null;
 public void setSoundState(boolean state)
  soundstate = state;
 public boolean getSoundState()
  return soundstate;
 // Helper method that translates a filename in res/raw to a resource id
 public static int getRaw(Context context, String name)

     return context.getResources().getIdentifier(name,
             "raw", context.getPackageName());


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